Qatar National Printing Press (QNPP) is a privately owned company located in Doha, Qatar. QNPP has been serving the Qatari market since 1958, offering a wide variety of printing services to hundreds of clients. Our clientele base includes governmental agencies, ministries, advertising agencies, financial institutions, educational institutions, and many other companies from different industries.
QNPP dominated the Qatari printing press industry for decades serving both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and striving to achieve customer satisfaction and content. QNPP's services vary from printing books, brochures, catalogues, screen printing , and branding to business cards, letter heads , invoices ,and many other types of printed products .
QNPP's credibility derives from its team of experienced and professional employees who are devoted to serving clients. Our clients were, are, and will always be our center of attention, and we will do our best to satisfy their needs.
QNPP masters the use of hybrid channels to communicate with its task environment. QNPP positions itself at the center of a value network consisting of tens of business partners and allies spread throughout its demand chain.